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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  April 22, 2013 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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being truthful we are joined momentarily with that earlier today the suspect only managing head nods and a single word as the federal charges were read to him in his hospital room. he acknowledged he understood them and uttered the word no when asked if he could acounsel. according to the fbi affidavit, details of the bmg itself and the chase that followed 11 minutes before the bombs went off, security cameras picked up the two turns on to boyleton street. the affidavit said the younger brother's dorm room was searched. there they found a quote large pyrotechnic, large black jacket and white hat that matched the appearance worn by bomber two. we will have that in the hour ahead. plus an interview with s.w.a.t.
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team members who apprehended him. the hour is more than about the suspect. it is about how the city is mourning and healing and staying strong. late today, a week after two bombs went off there, the fbi handed control of that stretch to boyleston street back to the city. beginning the process of turning a crime scene in to one of boston's main arteries. with dignitaries gathered, a bagpipe playing, the flag which has been flying at half staff for the last week was lowered and folded. earlier today, at ten to 3:00, that same stretch of boylston, all corners of boston, watertown and beyond, fell silent.
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silence fell over washington as well, including the white house, where president obama observed the moment, traders on wall street joined him as well. silence for the three whose lives were taken in the bombing, krystle campbell, martin richard and lingzi lu as well as for fallen m.i.t. police officer sean collier, gunned down thursday night allegedly during the suspects' flight to watertown. we honor them all tonight as we a short time ago, people gathered on the boston university campus as well to remember lingzi lu, who came here from china to pursue a graduate degree in applied math. her family says that while she was here, she fell in love with this great city. and tonight this great city, boston, returned that love. we also honor the bravery of a young woman i spoke to, a dancer who lost a foot and part of her leg in the bombings but vows
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she will dance again. she's a dance instructor and plans to give lessons again. you will hear from her and her optimism and strength will inspire you. we begin with breaking news. jay tapper is joiping us in boston. what are you learning about what the suspect is saying. >> according to one government official and this is a preliminary investigation but dzhokhar tsarnaev is saying the following to investigators. first of all, there were no foreign terrorist groups involved. that this was two brothers acting on their own. dzhokhar, not surprisingly is saying he was following his older brother tamerlan and tamerlan was the one who was the driving force behind this. in addition, there's an indication from the interviews that the brothers were self radicalized on-line. they were getting information from videos on-line, you tube videos on-line but not from communication or e-mail the way the ft. hood shooter was but they were very much self starters, self radicalized.
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the older brother, it seems from preliminary investigation, to have been motivated by jihad, traditional jihad motivation and political implications that they are under attack and jihad dis need to fight back. this is from preliminary interviews with this individual, with dzhokhar tsarnaev. >> the interviews have been limited. >> very limited. everything needs to be checked out. the investigators will follow up. these are individuals who knew a lot of people and had a lot of connections. they weren't shut ins on their own. they were people who knew a lot of people. everything needs to be followed up on. this is what dzhokhar tsarnaev is saying in the initial preliminary investigations. >> fascinating if what he is saying is true. questions remain what his brother did for the six-month period when he visited chechnya. the on-line component of his
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alleged radicalization is interesting. the idea that this was sort of self motivated from jihadist groups on-line. >> yeah. quite frankly, it's not the first time and that's why these groups put videos on-line hoping they will motivate individuals to watch the videos and become self radicalized. >> the other question and we don't know the answer to it, did he receive bomb training overseas or his ability with explosives is that something he learned from the internet as well? >> they don't know. it seems -- to me as a reporter, it seems a little too complicated and complex to do it yourself, but the investigators are looking in to it right now. >> i spoke to bob behr, former cia officer and experience in the middle east he said a lot of people he has talked to the last several days seem to think a lot of this stuff is not stuff that you can just teach yourself on the internet. a lot of the information is out
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there but you need somebody to show you some of the trade craft. >> the investigators and experts say things along the lines these were crude, not complicated bombs and that is true within the gamut of bombs but to do what they did is not something that would could pick up on the internet and run off and do. it would take training and practice. >> stay with us. i want to bring in former massachusetts homeland security security adviser juliet kime. and fran townsend who serves on the cia and department of homeland security external advisory board and senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin. what do you make of the information based on one government source that the suspect indicated that no foreign terrorist groups were involved. >> they have a lot of leads to follow, too. i understand that the cooperation with russian authorities has been good. the notion that one can self radicalize by being exposed to
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extremist ideology on the internet. that is believable. i'm sure they will check that out. that sounds right. it is not conceivable to me, anderson, that he could have successfully learned to build these bombs and have them blow up correctly simply from the internet. look, there are guys we know, terrorists and cases we have cracked that have gone overseas and trained and when they come back to try to build the bombs can't get it to explode. this guy -- not only was he successful he built two pressure cooker bombs, one at the boston marathon, one thrown at police in the course of the chase at watertown and all three successfully exploded and three of five pipe bomb s exploded ben but this is a guy who had experience, he had done this before with someone who trained him how to do it. >> also the fact there were two devices that went off nearly simultaneously, 12 seconds
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apart. that is relatively complicated. those devices themselves were not particularly sophisticated. >> and add to that they were sophisticated in the way you did it. you are running toward the end of the finish. the first explodes is at the closest to the finish line and they understood the runners' natural reaction would be to turn around and run away from it and when they did that they ran back in the direction of the second explosion 12 seconds later. the whole execution of this was very, very sophisticated. >> jeff, i want to read a portion of the transcript of the hearing in the suspect's hospital room today. the judge says can you afford a lawyer. the defendant says no. the judge said let the record reflect i believe the defendant has said no. what do you make of the transcript, that he can talk, at least one word that he nodded instead of speaking at other points in the hear something. >> it means the legal process can succeed.
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if he were unable to understand or unconscious indefinitely, the legal process would be frozen. now he can communicate with his lawyer. he can understand the charges against him. the case can proceed. now he's been arraigned on this complaint, the case will proceed to a grand jury probably within the next month or so he will be indicted, the first indictment against him. at that point, the case will be assigned to a district court judge and maybe within a year this case will get to trial. the fact that he is communicative, even in a small way, means the case can now go forward. >> it will be interesting to see if he remains communicative, even once he gets a lawyer. >> what's interesting is what they charged him with, as jeff and i were talking with is a wmd, a weapons of mass destruction charge. you don't have to prove he was intent in this case. that he was a terrorist or jihadist or had workings with other governments.
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all you have to do is show he used weapons of mass destruction, generally means anything other than a firearm or firework and he used them to kill people. it seems they have that evidence share case. while there is a debate of enemy co combatant. treat these self described terrorists as criminals in a civilian system. it means a lot for the nation and says something too future terrorists that we will put you through the process. we are not going to make a big deal about it. the enemy combatant debate which is essentially closed at this stage. they decided it was a political debate more than a legal one. >> i mean, there was never really, at least among the obama administration, never a thought of having this guy being charged or treated as an enemy combatant. >> nor in the bush administration. every terrorist arrest inside of the united states has been tried
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in a united states criminal court, in a federal district court. that's what president bush did. that's what president obama did and this fellow is an american citizen. it's far from clear that there's any law that would allow him to be tried as an enemy combatant. this is a procedure we know works. people get tried in criminal courts every day. the combatant laws we don't know that one can be successfully conducted. that's lost in a mar ras in guantanamo bay. this case will take a long time, be expensive and complicated but he's going to trial and there's going to be a verdict. we know that. >> jeff, thank you very much. fran, julia, as well. appreciate it. follow me on twitte twitter @andersoncooper. what do you think? should he be charged in a criminal court opposed to an enemy combatant? and we will dig in to the case. the older suspect spent last
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year in parts of dagestan and chechnya. and the older suspect's widow. what we know about her and their relationship and more importantly what the fbi wants to know from her tonight. later, my interview was remarkable woman. i hope you stick around for this. she a dance instructor whose body was broken. she had to have part of her leg amputated below the knee but her spirit is certainly not broken. >> i woke up and my parents were there and i said i feel like my foot is falling asleep. it feels like my ankle is falling off of the pillow and my foot is half on. and i realized that now that was phantom pain. she said you don't have a foot. man: how did i get here? dumb luck? or good decisions? ones i've made. ones we've all made.
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welcome back. we are getting new photos moments before the bombing. we are showing them as i am seeing them for the first time. a photographer captured the images of the suspects in the crowd. the two working their way through the crowds last monday. you can see runners going by in some photographs. a short time later, the bombs went off and authorities say they slipped away going back to their lives. the young one showing up in class at umass dartmouth. students said he also went to the gym, living his life as if nothing happened. as jay tapper reported at the top of the hour, the surviving bombing suspect has been talking to law firm and telling law enforcement there were no
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connection to former terror groups and his older brother was the ring leader. and the two were motivated in part by on-line jihadist videos not on-line or direct communication presumably with outside groups some question interesting questions given the older brother tamerlan spent the first half of last year inside of russia and dagestan and chechnya. we are joined from the region and also joining us is former cia officer bob behr with extensive experience overseas and in the middle east. you spoke to the father and i want to play a clip of what the aunt said about the older brother traveling to russia last year. let's listen. >> translator: we haven't prayed before. before america. he eleven learned everything himself. at the same time we were happy about it because he didn't start to do drugs or alcohol.
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he doesn't speak to other women. >> have you been able to really piece together a complete time line of his six-month trip overseas, or are there still some blank spots? >> there are definitely holes. we know he came to russia in january. the aunt said she didn't think he turned up here in their hometown, staying with her until march. the father didn't get her until may. we know from locals he was living with him for a month in the summer. so there are definite gaps. although signs he visited relatives in chechnya at that period, as well. people are not clear where he was during that period of time or who he met with. there is an interesting link when he returns to the united states from a you tube channel to a video of an extremist shot dmed december of last year. not proof they met but proof he was interested in some of the
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violence and extremism. anderson? >> the elder brother we talked about had links to extremist videos on his you tube page. from your experience, does this radicalization typically involve just an on-line component that goes together with trips overseas from potential training? you are pretty convinced he had to have some hands-on experience with explosive devices. >> on the devices, i've made these and talk to a lot of people that make these. they are difficult. you need hands-on practice. if he went to a camp in dagestan without any other objective other than training, that's possible. what you have to keep in mind about this region in the early '90s when russia hit -- the clerical leadership fled in to saudi arabia. there they made connections with essentially al qaeda in other
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cities in saudi arabia. they themselves radicalized the clerics. the same clerics are back in dagestan trying to raise resistance against russia and chechnya. it would be inevitable he would run in to fallacies/al qaeda, whatever you want to call it. whether they gave him instructions to go to boston and set up these explosions, i don't know but he certainly would have learned more about this ideology there and i think it's a good chance he was further radicalized and decided maybe on his own, maybe with somebody's help to turn to violence. >> you say you have experience making these devices. it is not something you can just read about on the internet? the information is out there on the internet but you are saying it is not something you can read about on the internet and put together and maybe test here domestically? >> anderson, two years ago, i
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went down to huntsville, alabama. the atf put me through a course and let me observe it and there were explosives experts from afghanistan and iraq, american soldiers that came and knew their explosives, but in order to learn the homemade devices they had to go in to a course that was several weeks long. they just had to. they were creating their own detonators, but it's not something they could read from a manual and actually make these things go off. they had to sit through the instruction. they were careful about it. they needed to be mentored and as i said, they were already experts with years of expertise and it was the only way to make sure these things would go off with the percentage these guys made them go off in boston. >> nick, in terms of other terrorist acts by chechen militant terrorists, we have seen the school incident, the taking over the movie theater in moscow years ago. in terms of targeting the united states, we have not seen -- we
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have not seen chechen terrorists or chechen militants targeting u.s. interests, correct? >> absolutely. and i cover both instances you referred to and they were purely targeted by radical elements within the chechen separatist, extremist movement. more recently, there have been increasingly fractured and repressed islamist rebellion groups here that are younger. perhaps part of their manifesto occasionally makes references to the united states as well. potentially being a target post afghanistan and iraq. but it is on the fringe and main target is moscow, the seat as they regard as the occupying power rather than across the atlantic, anderson. >> interesting. nick, appreciate all of your reporting. bob, as well. the fbi talks to the widow of the older bombing suspect.
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her name is catherine russell. she is 24 years old and has been staying with her parents in rhode island. her lawyer said she did not know anything about what her husband was planning and learned he was is a suspect from news reports. chris lawrence has spoken to the attorney. he is joining us with more on what we know about her right now. you did talk to this young woman's attorney. what is she -- has she been speaking actively to authorities? >> we believe so, anderson. the attorney says she has been cooperating with federal authorities and we know that federal agents have been here to her parents' home off and on over the last several days. in fact, there was a federal agent car just parked down the street for several hours earlier today. but he's basically saying that she is telling them she didn't know anything that was going on and he is saying that because of that there's not a lot she can do to try to help the
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investigation. he told us basically that tamerlan, the husband, was home for much of the day by himself with the child. he was the primary one looking after their 2 1/2-month-old daughter -- 2 1/2-year-old daughter, i should say, whereas the wife catherine russell she worked. she said up to seven days a week, 70 hours a week as a home aide. she was out of the house for long periods of time while tamerlan was at home. anderson? >> chris, we may not know this at this point. i know there's a lot we don't know. we haven't heard directly from her. was she living in the same house with him full time or at her parents a lot? my question is, if he was allegedly making explosive devices, if he wasn't making -- if he was making those at home, trying to figure out where he would have stored them that she couldn't have known about it? >> we're trying to figure that
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out, as well. how much time she was spending there at home. we know she was at the apartment very recently because she was photographed coming out of the apartment in cambridge as recently as just a few days ago. so she was there. again, the attorney is saying she was out of the house a lot because she was working tremendously long hours. he also says basically that she's distraught. the family is a mess. that she feels horrible about what happened to the victims of the boston marathon bombing and she is also dealing with the loss of her husband and the father of her children. so he says, basically, that it is just a very, very tough time for her, but he contends she did not know what was going on before all of this happened. >> all right. chris, appreciate the update. thank you very much, chris lawrence. inside the in game. the final minutes before the suspect was taken in to custody them s.w.a.t. team that put the
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boston bombing suspect in handcuffs describes the final minutes of the capture. the first national interview coming up. i turned 65 last week. the math of retirement is different today. money has to last longer. i don't want to pour over pie charts all day. i want to travel, and i want the income to do it. ishares incomes etfs. low cost and diversified. find out why nine out of ten large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal.
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immunization and maternity care. and we've received numerous high ratings for our excellent standard of care. we're focusing on the big things so you can enjoy the little things. kaiser permanente. thrive. welcome back. today i spoke to members of the s.w.a.t. team who risked their lives and put the suspect in to custody on friday. here's the shot of he is leaving the boat just before he was handcuffed by the s.w.a.t. team. this is right before he was grabbed by members of the s.w.a.t. team. this is often the case with heros. i spoke to the members of the team and they don't want to take the credit for catching him. they repeated this over and over
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again when i spoke to them. they said it was a team effort involving many agencies, state, local, authorities, s.w.a.t. teams, and a lot of first responders who all deserve thanks. they are not after attention. i want to point that out. the first interview the s.w.a.t. team from massachusetts, the transportation authority has given. here's some of what they told me today. tell me about friday night. what was the first indication you got that the suspect had been found? >> we gathered up the men we had left at that point and started to roll to that location to help in any way that we could. we got out there and several agents were out there and already the suspect was cornered. different agencies on the scene were trying less lethal means to get the isn't to turn subject to turn himself n. they tried numerous flash-bang grenades, tried to gas him out of the
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boat. it just wasn't working. >> did you know at the time whether the suspect was conscious or not. >> we were getting reports from the police helicopter that there was movement in the boat. they were using the flair, infrared to look through the canopy, the tarp on it. >> they released those images and we have seen those infrared images. there were reports that sometimes he was moving and sometimes he wasn't moving. >> he was in and out of consciousness because he was losing a lot of blood, so. >> which is how the homeowner found him from a blood trail leading up to the boat. he saw a slice in the canopy and took a peek inside and saw the suspect and made his 911 call. >> do you know if he was armed or had explosives on him. >> he got in to a firefighter earlier that day with officers that responded to the scene after the 911 call. some of our patrol officer and we know for sure there was a weapon there. so -- >> you have to assume with the
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events of the last week there were explosives, as well. >> you get together to come up with a plan? what was the idea? >> it was basically to get across the danger zone. there was an open area from where the house was. that was the final line of cover. if he stops firing at us we have no protection getting across the danger zone. we had a kevlar shield in front of us and land up in a stack to cover that danger zone. >> were you thinking you were going to have to go in the boat to get him out or was it your understanding that he was going to come out. >> it was our understanding he was giving himself up. he was on the edge of the boat with one leg hanging over the side. >> when you saw him what did you think? >> this is the target. this is the job. we are almost done with this and let's do what we are trained to do. this is the suspect. we are trained to go in and apprehend him. you could see one hand was clear of any weapons but each time he went the other way his hand went
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inside of the boat out of our view. i know everybody here -- we've spoken about it. each time he did that we had to assume he was reaching for a weapon, a firearm or some type of explosive ignition device to try to draw us in and then take us out in a suicide-type manner. he did that a couple of times as we were still approaching towards him. we got close enough that at one point where both of his hands were up because of the rocking back and forth, both of his hands were up. we could see there were no weapons, no ignition devices. we broke away from the shield protective cover and just rushed him. we put hands on him. grabbed him and pulled him off the boat, down on to the ground. at that point, it just became -- i don't want to say typical, but an arrest situation. you check the suspect for weapons. of course him we had to check him for explosives. take his sweatshirt off because
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he may have been wearing a suicide vest. at that point we didn't know if he boat had been rigged with explosives, some kind of timed device or anything else because of their behavior all week long. so we needed to get him away from the boat. as soon as he was checked we ran like hell to get away from that boat and got him over to where the medics are and the federal agents who were taking him in to custody. >> there's a report he was shot in the throat, unclear whether that was self inflicted or at what point -- could you tell that? >> i did see a throat injury. to me it looked like a knife wound. it wasn't a puncture hole. it was a slice where it was spread open. possibly a piece of shrapnel from one of the explosives they were using the night before. didn't look like a bullet wound to me. looked like a cut of some kind. >> what goes through your mind? you were focused for a week on
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finding this guy. ef you have seen horrible things on that monday and working around the clock. to know he is apprehended, what does it feel like? >> it is a relief but we are not sure it is over yet. we are still in that mode. we haven't had a chance to sit down rv down, watch the news and think about what is going on. we are in a heightened state. i think everybody in and maybe in a couple of weeks we can sit down and reflect on what has happened. >> it bears repeating the team members call it a group effort. they said they were in the right place at the right time doing what they were trained to do. one note about the officer shot during the chase last week, we understand he is in serious condition. there's a fund set up to help him. it is officer richard we will have that address on our web page ac the bombing suspect is
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cooperating with law enforcement to some degree, what it says about his medical condition. dr. sanjay gupta will join me with that and the doctor that treated some of the victims. and a woman who lost her leg, her leg was amputated below the knee. she doesn't have a left foot anymore. she is a dance instructor and vows she will dance again. we'll be right back.
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as we reported earlier the boston suspect was mentally competent aletter and lucid in his hospital room. we know he was able to speak
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least one word. his injuries include multiple gunshot words. when he arrived on friday his condition was serious. sanjay goup gupta is joining us now. how seefrs you are the wounds? >> we don't know for sure. we can say the time he was captured he was standing. you saw the photos of that and he was able to follow commands, lift his shirt up. he had an injury to the neck. that's been something that we have heard a few times from officials who have been helping treat him and doctors in the hospital. in that situation, one of the things that is so important is actually being able to protect the airway. making sure the airway doesn't close off. i want to show you quickly, this is the type of tube we have been talking about. this is the type of tube that goes in the mouth. rather the type of tube that would be placed in the neck over here. that would allow his airway to stay open. what's important about this is
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that often times -- it's not as uncomfortable as a tube that goes in the mouth. so the sedation that is necessary isn't as high. someone can be more awake and alert, which from the reporter jake tapper has been doing about how communicative he's been. >> is it common in the hospital to lower sedation so a person can respond to law enforcement? >> there's a lot of reasons you will lower sedation. medically speaking, you do it so you can get a good exam on somebody. make sure they are nur logically doing well. with this sort operation, it's not the sort of sedation that puts one to sleep as much as pain medications for example for the operation that he had and these other injuries he sustained. so it is more like, think of it like pain pills opposed to sedatives that put you to sleep. >> i want to bring in dr. david shown feld feld who works at beth israel. he was part of the team that treated both bombing suspects.
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appreciate you being with us. i know it has been an exhausting week for you. can you describe, there's a lot of hiipa laws that you won't be able to talk about the conditions of the suspects. can you talk about the situation in the emergency room when each one came in? >> on thursday night, friday morning, the department was business as usual, i guess, following what happened on monday. we had a lot of patients in the department. i had heard the gun battle and the explosions going off in watertown. >> you actually heard it? >> yeah. i live in watertown and saw the police coming in to watertown and heard the gunshots and explosion and when i heard that i had been watching the news reports of the m.i.t. officer killed and knew when i heard it that this was pretty serious, given the volume of gun fire and explosions and called the department to let them know what
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was going on because i was worried about all of the officers and other people in the area with all of the gun fire and explosions. the closest level one trauma center to watertown, i knew if there were serious trauma patients from the scene they would be coming to the hospital. the folks in hour department did a fantastic job preparing the emergency department for any number of trauma patients that were going to come in. by the time i got there, they were staffed and ready, the teams were divided up. we had additional staff coming in. the or was ramping up. the whole hospital was ramping up. i was impressed with the team, all my co-workers a lot of whom had been involved in monday's event to see them at work, you know, getting geared up to potentially do it again. >> i know you can't talk specifically about what happened but someone who has multiple
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gunshot wounds, talking an thursday night, friday morning, and got essentially run over by a car. what is the general -- what is it like for treating a patient like that? >> so, anytime you have a serious trauma patient come in, you know, the team, as a whole is very focused on assessing and treating and doing everything we can to resuscitate the patient. in general terms the types of things that you would do for patients or make sure their airway is secured with either a breathing tube or the device you were showing. making sure they are ventilating and breathing effectively. putting in test tubes, giving them blood in order to make sure they haven't bled to death. and you would open the chest and assess the heart and make sure there isn't blood around the heart preventing it from pumping
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and if there is a direct injury to he heart you would repair that. those are the different things that can be done in a traumatic cardiac arrest resuscitation. >> it has been an incredibly difficult week for everybody and appreciate your efforts and you being with us tonight. thank you. >> i have to say it has been impressive to see all of the folks, the first responders, the off-duty health care professionals. the civilians on monday who rushed in and made a lot of difference, saved a lot of live and i'm proud to live in a city of heros with all of the fire, the fire, health care, civilians, everybody making what happened a miracle that happened as far as saving so many. as tragic as it was to lose three lives on monday. >> so many people pitching in. >> so many people pitching in to save so many. really amazing. i'm privileged to be part of the
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boston community. >> appreciate you being with us. sanjay, as well. thank you very much. stay tuned. one of the boston's bombing survivors a young woman, a dance instructor describes what it was like to come out of surgery and be told they couldn't save her foot. in fact her leg had been cut off below the knee. she promises to dance again. she has a remarkable attitude and will inspire you ahead tonight. she knows you like no one else. and you wouldn't have it any other way. but your erectile dysfunction - you know, that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough
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you went through. so -- >> it is okay. i relive it every day. how close were you to the explosion? >> i was right in front of it. right in front of the business where it was. i felt the direct impact and it immediately blew off my left foot. >> how far was the bomb, do you know? >> my guess it would have been five feet. >> five feet. >> yeah. we're lucky to be alive. >> did you lose consciousness? >> i don't think we did. i remember everything. so if we did it was for a matter of seconds. >> you remember being blown through the air? >> yeah. >> what happened then? >> i landed and sort of closed my eyes and was under adam and kind of covering my head and my face. it was very gray and quiet. gray smoke and ashes and a lot of debris falling. i remember telling adam, oh, my
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gosh, i'm alive. and he said, oim i'm okay. i'm okay. and i couldn't believe we survived a we weren't hurt at all. i didn't feel any pain. i had no idea what happened. and then i sat up and i tried -- he said we have to get out of here and i tried to move and i said oh, my, go my foot, there's something wrong with my foot and he lifted up my leg and we lost it. adam has a lot of blood all over his pants. it was hard to tell his injuries and my injuries because of the amount of blood everywhere. but i know he was hurt, as well. >> what did you do when you realized what happened to your foot? >> i went in to survival mode. i went in to i have to do something about this. i can't lose my foot . >> that went through your mind. >> yeah, i can't lose my foot. i have to get it somewhere safe
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and clean and i have to get something wrapped around it and then i grabbed the door open with my elbow and crawled in to the forum, dragging blood and asked for help and finally received it and got a couple of people to do a tourn cut and adam was behind me. i wanted to stay with me but my brain was on i have to get somewhere clean. i'm losing so much blood. >> what did you do? i went behind her. i thought we had to get where we can lay down smarter and get a tourniquet around her leg and do shock, triage stuff. so we crawled in to forum and from there it was -- i remember her legs were over mine. i had one belt and another guy had another belt and we -- as much as i could, tried to put as much pressure as i could with a
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belt. >> where did you find a belt from? >> my belt came from me. >> i used the loops. not the best tourniquet. >> when we were in the forum i realized how bad it was. we were bouncing between tie the tourniquet faster than maybe our last minutes together. i love you and i'm so sorry for everything that had ever happened and it is hard to not get emotional thinking about it. but we were timed between safety and helping each other and helping his injuries also. and saying what we needed to say to each other. >> in case you didn't make it. >> in case we didn't make it. yeah. >> tieing the tourniquet on the scene at the bar probably saved you. >> probably did. i'm thankful for adam for helping. i thanked him a lot.
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>> when did you realize you didn't have a foot? >> i woke up and my parents were there and i hugged and kissed them and said mom, can you help me? i feel like my foot is falling asleep because it feels like my ankle is falling off of the pillow and my foot is half on. and i realized that now that was phantom pain because she looked at me and said you don't have a foot. your foot is gone and i just lost it. it is really hard to hear. >> you are determined to dance again. >> i am, yeah. >> dancing is really important to you. >> it is so important to me. it's my life. dancing is the one thing that i do. i said this many times, dancing is the one thing that i do that when i am doing it i don't think i should be doing anything else. ever. i feel so free and so wonderful. i'm big on music, and i feel like all of us when we share music we move to the music and i
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feel like -- >> i don't i stay rock solid because i'm a bad dancer. >> we're going to change that. i told you i was going to teach you. i'm going to teach that. >> i'm a tough student. >> that's okay. i am going to hold you to it. it is now on camera. i feel like it is just such a freeing thing. it is a big part of my life and part of my life also is being able to teach people how to do that. so, not only is it big in my life for me and an outlet for me, i get to share that and see it developing in other people. >> you want to run the race next year? >> i do. i i can't believe i said that. adam's been making fun of me the whole time. you are not a runner at all. >> you are not a runner. >> i am not a runner at all. i wasn't a ballroom dancer at one point either. >> so you are going to do it. >> i'm going to do it, yeah. >> i hope to be on the finish line watching you. i'd like to say i hope to run with you but i'm in such bad
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shape. >> we will do dance lessons and then little by little. >> get me dancing and running i will be very amazed. >> if i can get me running i will be really amazed. >> are you angry? >> i'm angry. i'm not angry 100% of the time but i'm angry. i think when someone tries to stop you from doing something or something happens in your life where it's not exactly what you expected you have to conquer that and you have to find a better side of it. it's not something that -- i don't know. i don't want that to be the end. i don't want this to be the end. i'm only 32. i don't want this to be the end. so whether it's, you know, running the marathon or walking or crawling the marathon and being the last one across. i'm okay with that. i didn't say i'd win it. but i am defiant and i want to
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come out stronger. >> she's going to do it, too. adrien an amazing young woman. there is a fund set up by her family. if you would like to do it. go to we will put it on we'll be right back.
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